The resources section has ideas/links for left behind packages

Select by month Vimeo playlists
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The following list is from the Vimeo playlist

Displaying 1 to 5 of 5

February 25, 2019Jesus Waits in the Wedding Chamber
...through the power of the Holy Spirit, for thousands and...
April 25, 2016Our Nation's Future Update
...time he picks up something holy to do. "For many years when...
February 8, 2015Jesus Romancing His Bride, from our Journal
...the dream you had when the Holy Spirit said He will call...
February 8, 2015Jesus and Holy Spirit, Blissful Night, Journals can truly see Me as My Holy Spirit, and I look just like...
February 8, 2015Longing for a Radical Love for Jesus, from our Journal
...what used to be a sweet communion and relationship, one that...